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Project & Engineering Company Organized Special Training Activities for Environmental Protection

At Managers’ Meeting, our President put forward that we should self-exam and think about how to do the environmental protection through the strict inspection to environmental protection and security during SOS periods. From now on, all departments should thoroughly change their thinking, strictly implement laws and regulations, standardize the management of environmental protection , combing with the development trend and our actual operation , Project & Engineering Company held special training activities for environmental protection in the morning of June 17th.

Aiming at the environmental protection, the Vice-general Manager Liu gave training to the painting operators and arranged the further work. First of all, we should focus on rectification and upgrading, remove some facilities, strengthen space utilization, and integrate existing resources. At the same time, we should further clarify the requirements that we should work in the closed area, manage site and detail arrangements, strictly implement the requirements of Environmental protection, shift the parts to next step timely, overall every control and clear; we should learn others’ experiences such as Textile Machinery Company using waterborne paint and explored the feasibility of technical improvements in Project & Engineering Division .

We want to achieve the prospects of “Leading the Industry as Pioneering, to Create Centennial Hicorp”, build a respectable international first-class enterprise . we should take actions from now , to establish long-term and effective management system, to realize “Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains are Invaluable Assets” and make contributions to environmental protection.

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