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Hicorp Project & Engineering Company Hosted Speech Contest “Focusing on Three Characters to Build First-rate Enterprise”
In order to get a better understanding of “Three Characters”, strengthen the promotion of “Three Characters”, create positive and cultural atmosphere, be confident in culture, Project & Engineering Company hosted speech contest “Focusing on three characters to build first-rate enterprise” at No.102 meeting room in the morning of May 27th. There were 12 players from various departments of Project & Engineering Company attended the contest.

Combing with actual work, all players elaborated their understanding on Three Characters. All the competitors gave speeches with passionate and clear line, taking the example of Master Cheng, aroused the memory  of Master Cheng, dedication and loyalty is the spirit inherited from generation to generation.

Master Dong Ruibo gave an passionate speech, he talked about his 30 years’ working experiences at Hicorp, and illustrated his understanding of Three Characters, and won our enthusiastic applause. As the only competitor who was born in 1960s, Master Dong showed the spirit of courage and aggression of the post 60 .

The competitors from Technical Department, Production Department and Workshop gave speeches in turns, they explained their understandings on “Three Characters”, their speeches sparked echoes in our hearts , and we got better understanding of Three Characters.

The contest covered four generations of post 60,70,80,and 90, after fierce competition, Shan Haiyan from Technical Department won the first prize, Pang Chen from Technical Department and Lv Mengyu from Administrative Department won the Second Prize, Zhang Yu from Sales Department, Pan Yanying from Production Department and Wang Shixu from Welding Workshop won the Third Prize, Dong Runbo from Welding Workshop won the special prize.

  Through the launching of speech contest, we got better understandings of Three Characters, and our abilities to speech had practiced. The contest had played a positive role in the further development of the construction of the Three Characters.

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