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 Hicorp Heavy Industry Science & Technology Company Held the 2021 Annual Training at Spring Festival

At the very beginning of the year, everything takes on a fresh and new look.

In order to effectively improve the marketing level of the sales team and their professional competence, according to the strategic concept of “all staff to innovate, all staff to learn, and all staff to have qualifications” and building a learning-type company , which is put forward by President , Hicorp Training Center – Hicorp Heavy Industry Branch Training Center held the training activities of marketing at Spring Festival.
Hicorp Heavy Industry Branch Training Center held the first course of Spring Festival at 8:30 a.m. on February 17, 2021. The training was hosted by Liu Zengxi, General Manager of Qingdao Hicorp Group Heavy Industry Science & Technology Company.

General Manager Liu pointed out the problems existing in the sales in 2020 and demonstrated the development direction of the sales company. From the aspects of accounts receivable management, contract signing, profit assessment, training in 2021, combined with the actual cases, he put forward the problems, so that all sales personnel can take "Focusing on customers" as the starting point and meet the urgent needs of customers.
General Manger Liu pointed out that “learning” and “seeking change” were the theme of company development in 2021. Business managers should strengthen professional knowledge learning, clarify deficiencies, find gaps, and urge all personnel in the sales company to learn, change, and work hard and think more in seeking changes. Everyone is a student of Hicorp Training Center, or as a teacher, learning from each other and complementing each other's strengths; management cadres must take on the responsibility of teachers, lead the team well, set an example and a benchmark.

The second lesson of Spring Festival was delivered by Zhang Jinjuan at 10:00 am, the General Manager of Hicorp Heavy Industry Science & Technology Sales Company. General manager Zhang made arrangements for the sales work in 2021, stipulated the sales objectives and tasks in 2021, made some adjustments to the market area, and planned and arranged the promotion of new products in advance; he requested that all business managers should strengthen their study and learn to extract the advantages and characteristics of products; make preparations and plans for the important projects in the first half of the year, and spare no effort; prefabricated subway station project, large-sized segment mould project and PC component carrousel, business manager should focus on promotion, to achieve the company's diversified marketing ways. And he also arranged and explained the exhibition work in 2021, and sales incentive policies, to encourage business managers to forge ahead to achieve good performance in 2021!

The training is mainly to deploy the annual work of the sales company and clarify the work objectives of the business managers in 2021. Taking this training opportunity, the sales company will carry out a lot of training and team activities , such as new product technical knowledge, customer production line use on-site observation and learning, so as to implement the strategic concept in practical work, learn through practice, and build a technical and comprehensive sales team to lay a good foundation for the sales work in the new year.

Riding the wind and waves, it's time to set sail. In 2021, while consolidating the marketing intensity, Hicorp Heavy Industry will continue to adhere to the core value concept of "focusing on customers, leading the industry by innovation", centering on "change", solidly promote the company's digital transformation and upgrading, stand at a new starting point and draw a new blueprint. We believe that 2021 will be a year for Hicorp Heavy Industry to make a historic breakthrough!

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