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  Products of Two Branch Companies Passed the Evalation of Scientific & Technological Achievements


Qingdao Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Association held a conference on standardization evaluation of scientific and technological achievements at the multimedia conference room of Hicorp Group on August 2, 2020. The leader of expert evaluation team was held by Professor Zhao Yongrui of China University of Petroleum. The members of team include Senior Engineer Dong Zhiqiang of Qingdao Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Association, Professor Zhao Jingbo of Qingdao University of Technology, and Wang Liping, appraiser of Qingdao Science and Technology Venture Capital Firm. Sun Xu, General Manager and technical leaders of relevant branches of Hicorp Group attended the evaluation meeting. The meeting was presided over by Senior Engineer Dong Zhiqiang ,and evaluated the achievements of relevant products of Qingdao Hicorp Group Heavy Industry Science & Technology Company and Qingdao Putian Intelligent Manufacturing Company.
The expert team first listened to the work reports, research reports and social and economic benefit analysis reports of the five projects of the technical teams of each company, and made detailed inquiries and discussions on the contents of the reports, and formed the evaluation conclusion of the results. Finally, the expert team agreed that: the four projects of PC component automation carrousel, integral vibrating segment mould of Heavy Industry Science and Technology Company , and the integrated urea oil tank system based on NMT technology of Putian Intelligent Manufacturing Company, as well as the series products of coated aluminum alloy fuel tank have significant independent innovation, and the overall technology has reached the international advanced level The overall technology of vehicle LNG gas supply system has reached the advanced level in China.
Finally, Sun Xu, General Manager of Hicorp Group, introduced the investment in scientific research, innovation and development of the products, as well as the further plan. He pointed out that Hicorp Group adheres to the culture of "respecting technology and advocating innovation", and the company will continue to increase investment in scientific research and make corresponding contributions to the development of industry technology.
The successful holding of the scientific and technological achievements evaluation meeting has set up a higher development platform for the rapid development of related industries of Hicorp Group, and laid a solid foundation for the promotion of product influence. Hicorp Group will continue to attach importance to technology research and development, deeply practice the core value concept of "Focus on Customers ,lead the Industry by Innovation", do a good job in the development of new products, give full play to the leading role of innovation in high-quality development, and make unremitting efforts to create innovative and technological enterprise.

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